BALTIMORE, Md. - Frequent
Smile, Hon, You're in Baltimore! contributor Rahne Alexander has posted a call for submissions for the forthcoming MEOWPOLIS, a cat-themed art show to open October 19, 2010, at the Whole Gallery in the H&H building in Baltimore. Curated by cat ladies Rahne Alexander and Freda Mohr, MEOWPOLIS seeks an extreme variety of cat-inspired paintings, drawings, videos, performances, sculptures and whatever else might be out there. Any media will be considered, but must be by, for, or about cats.
(No dogs allowed!) Our hopes and dreams are the following:
1) Some work that actually involves real cats (in humane ways)
2) A ridiculous cat condo, and
3) Art by cats.
The deadline for submissions is
September 1, 2010. To submit, please send the following to meowpolisATgmailDOTcom:
a) Photos/documentation of the piece, or if it is yet to be created, a description
b) Dimensions of the work, and any requirements for exhibition of the work, and
c) Contact information (name, email, phone number).
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